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Jesus College: Understanding iDiscover

What is iDiscover

Use iDiscover to search the University’s libraries print and online collections using a single search. Find books, ebooks, journals, articles, open access content and more. Log in using your University account to manage your loans, requests, fines and saved search results.

There are three ways of searching iDiscover. Simply select one of the options at the top of the search box:

  • Cambridge Libraries Collections: books (printed and electronic), other physical library content and Apollo, the Cambridge institutional repository.
  • Articles and online resources: articles online (both in peer-reviewed journals and from other sources), databases, electronic journals and other online content.
  • Everything: all of the resources covered by the Cambridge Libraries Collections and Articles and online resources searches.

If you find the book you need is on loan, you can recall it during termtime by logging in and it will show a request button. If you need any help or have problems using iDiscover, do come and see us or contact us via email.

Finding books via iDiscover

Finding journals and articles

Finding books in the College Library via iDiscover

Finding e-books via iDiscover


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