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Veterinary Medicine: Physical Resources

Discover Your Libraries

With lots of libraries dotted across Cambridge, it can be difficult to get to them all, so check out our virtual library induction from the Biological Sciences Libraries Team.

Electronic Legal Deposit

Found an item on iDiscover that looks really good but you get a message telling you that "Online access restricted to designated PCs in the UL the WEST HUB and most Faculty and Departmental libraries"? Not to worry. There's a Guide to help you with that!

The Electronic Legal Deposit terminal in the Plant Sciences Library.

The West Hub has an Electronic Legal Deposit terminal available situated on the 2nd floor. There is an users easy guide beside the terminal. If help is needed, please go and discuss this with the Librarian who would be pleased to help further.


Finding Physical Resources

Any physical resources can be found by searching on IDiscover, the University of Cambridge Libraries catalogue. Filter by resource types or for the Libraries you wish to use. Many of our libraries have a dedicated computer you can use to access the iDiscover Calatogue, but you can also access the catalogue from your own computer, or even using your mobile phone.

Borrowing & Returning Books

The library operates a self-serve system when borrowing book. Instruction for use are situated beside the terminal. Please note that only members of the University can borrow books.

Loan periods and book allowances:

Veterinary Staff, Graduates & Students 10 Books for 28 days


If "recall email" return within 3 Days

Visitors No borrowing rights    

Returning books:

Please return all books to the returns box in the West Hub situated by the issue desk and outside the revolving doors.. The Librarian will process all returned books.


Document Delivery

If you require something that isn't available electronically, Cambridge University Libraries offer a Scan & Deliver service where you can order something from one of our collections to be scanned and emailed to you. Further information, as well as a request form, can be found on the University Library's website.

Please note this service is only available to current staff and students.

Veterinary Medicine Resources in Cambridge

The Veterinary library at the West Hub will hold the majority of physical resources for this subject but will will also find a limited amount in the following libraries:

A full list of all the libraries in Cambridge can be found on the Libraries Directory

The Lovaton Veterinary Anatomy Library (reference only)  holds a number of veterinary resources.
This is situated in the  Department of Anatomy Building.

For PDN library help, please contact the Librarian.

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