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Veterinary Medicine: Databases & Journals

Databases & Journals at the University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge subscribes to a wide range of online journals and databases that can be accessed from wherever you are through using your Raven credentials.

Search databases, digital archive collections, and primary sources on Cambridge Databases A-Z.  Use iDiscover to search for journal titles and articles, or browse our collections through the Browzine platform. 

Literature Searching Databases


Scopus is a navigation tool covering the world's largest collection of abstracts, references and indexes of scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature. Seamless links to full-text articles and other library resources make Scopus quick, easy and comprehensive.

Web of Science (citation indexes), published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), is a multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the sciences, social sciences and arts. It indexes major journals in these disciplines. Because the information stored about each article includes the article's cited reference list (often called its bibliography), you can also search the databases for articles that cite a known author or work. The search interface at this web site provides access to Science Citation Index,Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index

PubMed contains 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles.Includes links to full text articles and related resources.

Lean Library

The Lean Library Button

Compatible with most browsers, Lean Library is a browser extension that will automatically detect when you have access to something. This access might be provided through the University of Cambridge's subscriptions, or it might be an Open Access version. Either way, this will reduce the need for hours spent trying to log in to different websites or hitting paywalls and will give you quick access to what you need.


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