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for Undergraduates

UG CamGuides: getting started with CamGuides

Information about what it is and how to get the most from it.

What is most relevant if I haven't got much time?

If you don't have much time just now to explore everything in this resource then the following are the specific areas that students have told us are really useful:

  • Watch the videos that appear on most pages to hear from current Cambridge undergraduates about their experience of starting at the University.

  • Look at the 'Week in the Life' section - where students describe what a week in their lives at Cambridge is like. A number of disciplines are represented but you can get a good idea of what you might expect.

  • Time management.

Click on the icon to the left to listen to the introductions for all of the sections in a single audio recording. This might help you decide what you want to look at first.

Suggested pathways

Welcome to Cambridge

This section is worth looking at if you don't know Cambridge very well. As a minimum, it is probably worth looking at the map, and knowing that you can access study spaces and books in multiple libraries. Make a note to set up an online timetable too for when you arrive.  

How will I learn in Cambridge?

Everyone at university studies independently at some point, and we have included a page that helps you think about your perfect working space. You may have done some research about the different modes of learning before you applied to Cambridge. However, if you're uncertain about what is involved in a supervision or interested in how online learning takes place, you will find this and other useful information in the section How will I learn in Cambridge? of CamGuides for Undergraduates.

What skills will I develop as an undergraduate?

Different subjects will require different skills. We don't expect you to come to Cambridge having mastered them all. In fact, many will take years to develop. To get you started, think about managing your time; it is a foundational skill that will help you feel more confident in other areas of your learning. 

How do I find books and articles from a reading list?

Even if you don't have time to look at this section in detail, it worth knowing that there will be lots of support from your college and departmental libraries when you arrive to help you get started searching the library catalogue, iDiscover.

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