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Land Economy: Referencing and plagiarism

Referencing and Plagiarism

Referencing style

The Land Economy Department does not prescribe any particular referencing or bibliographic style. Where a particular referencing style is required this will be highlighted to students in the assessment outline. Otherwise, candidates are free to choose a style that they consider most appropriate, or with which they are familiar.

Referencing Guide

Link to Cite them right website



Cite them right is an amazing guide to referencing with everything from understanding plagiarism to referencing guides for a variety of systems.


Plagiarism is defined by the University as 'submitting as one's own work, irrespective of intent to deceive, that which derives in part or in its entirety from the work of others without due acknowledgement. It is both poor scholarship and a breach of academic integrity.

All Land Economy students are expected to be familiar with the full University Statement on Plagiarism, which can be found on the University website.

Reference management software

We recommend that you use referencing management software to keep track of citations. There are training courses available from the University for the main software packages. The most popular packages are:



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