
Physical & Digital Collections

Children's Literature Collections at Cambridge: Children's Literature available at SPRI

An introduction to the range of Children's Literature collections in Cambridge and the resources and services available to students and staff

Key facts


  • Our children's collection consists of 415 picturebooks and science books for a wide age range.
  • The material covers specific aspects of the polar regions including exploration, local flora and fauna.The collection is multi-lingual as well.
  • It is used and consulted by our in-house Education and Outreach team.

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday :  9 - 1 and 2 - 5:30 pm


  • The majority of our material is currently stored in our basement - access would be supervised, or specific items would be fetched for a visitor.
  • Extensive perusal of the collection would best be arranged by contacting the Library in advance.
  • Please note that some children's material can be found in the main body of the collection as well.



Contact us

 Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1E

 01223 336552

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