
Physical & Digital Collections

Children's Literature Collections at Cambridge: Children's Literature available at Education

An introduction to the range of Children's Literature collections in Cambridge and the resources and services available to students and staff

Key facts


  • It is a teaching/demand led collection, supporting students on the Tripos EEDA track, the Masters course in Children’s Literature, PhD research and the Primary and Secondary PGCE courses. 
  • Includes fiction, short-stories, fairy tales, poetry and comics, approximately 1,700 items.
  •  Covers a wide age-range from picturebooks to young adult fiction.
  •  The fiction collection is complemented by a large collection of critical texts covering all aspects of children's literature.


  • All members of the University who are studying Children's Literature are welcome to register with the Library.  Please contact us for further information or pop in and see us!

Contact us

 Education Faculty Library, Hills Road, CB2 8PQ

 01223 767700


UKLA titles

The Education purchase the UKLA shortlist and details of UKLA titles can be found on our blog.

UKLA titles on display in the Library Living Room

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