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Children's Literature Collections at Cambridge: Children's Literature available at Lucy Cavendish

An introduction to the range of Children's Literature collections in Cambridge and the resources and services available to students and staff

Key facts


  • Amongst the rare books held at Lucy Cavendish College Library is a collection of children's literature from the 19th century.
  • 45 books in total were donated to the College in 1995 by Dr. Anna Bidder (1903-2001), a founding fellow and first President of the College (1965-1970) and are collectively known as the 'Founders' Collection of Children's Books'.
  • Born in Cambridge, Dr Anna Bidder and her elder sister, Caroline (born 1900), were the daughters of two scientists, George Parker Bidder III, a zoologist, and Marion Greenwood, a biologist. They lived at Cavendish Corner, now the EF School of English on Hills Road.
  • Inscriptions in many of the books reveal that they were passed down through generations of Bidder children before reaching Anna and Caroline.

 Opening hours

  • The Founders' Collection can only be consulted within staffed hours, which is Monday-Friday, 9.30am-1pm, 1.30pm-5pm.
  • For members of Lucy Cavendish College, we have also started up a small borrowable collection of contemporary children's literature.
  • New books are purchased via suggestions from College members and in consultation with the Lucy Cavendish College Children's Literature Society.
  • Each year the Library also purchases books shortlisted for the Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals.


  • The Founders' Collection cannot be borrowed but the books can be consulted by arrangement with the Librarian. Please contact us to arrange a visit.

Contact us

 Lucy Cavendish College Library, Lady Margaret Road, CB3 0BU

 01223 332283


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