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for Master's

CamGuides: Becoming a Graduate Student

How to write in an academic style

In general, academic writing at postgraduate level will involve using clear, formal and appropriate language, avoiding colloquialisms and generalisations, and structuring your writing in a logical and objective way. It is crucial that you attribute ideas accurately, reference effectively and in an appropriate style, and demonstrate a deep and critical engagement with the ideas you are studying.

The precise format of the writing might vary depending on what you are producing: the style of an essay, for example, will differ slightly from a report or a presentation. But regardless of what you are writing, the core features are the same: clear language, attribution of ideas, an objective and analytic approach.

Everyone wants to see EXAMPLES of good academic writing. TOP TIP! Go to your subject library and ask how to find exemplars of good writing in your subject.


Other resources on subject-specific academic writing include:

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