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Selwyn College Library: Using the Bartlam Library

Welcome to the Bartlam Library

Opening hours during term are 07.00 to 02.00 and during the vacation are 07.00 to 24.00. Your University Card will permit you access between 07.00 and 01.45 (23.45 during the vacation), so do check the time if you are aiming for an early start and are unable to get in.

There are seats and study spaces available on both floors of the library, including the computer room on the first floor and two bookable study rooms on the second floor.

You will find most books on the first floor, with the less-well-used books and reference material on the second floor. There is self-service borrowing and returning available for books and DVDs on the ground and first floors.

If you haven't used the library yet, please book a familiarisation visit so we can give you a quick safety introduction to the space. Email the library with suggested days and times that would suit you and we will let you know when is possible.

Where to find the Bartlam Library

The Bartlam Library building is on the Grange Road side of Ann's Court, near the corner with West Road.

The library entrance is on the east side of the building, facing into Ann's Court, at the base of the tower.

How to get in (card access)

The Bartlam Library has card access, so you will need your University Card with you to get into the building. (You won't need to use your late key.)

The first time you use the card reader, you may need to hold your card against it until the flickering blue light turns steady green and the door opens. Subsequently, you will only need to hold the card briefly against the reader.

Your card will give you access to the building between 7am and 1.45am each day (between 7am and 11.45pm during the vacation).

To leave the building, press the exit button to the right of the door.

Ground floor lobby

The ground floor lobby contains a book returns box and self-service borrowing and returning for books and DVDs.

There is a lift and stairs to the first and second floors.

The exit button to open the front door is to the right of the door as you face it.


There is a lift available for you to access the two floors of the library.

The call button and the alert button are to the left of the lift as you face it. The green alert button sends an alert to the Porters' Lodge and will summon assistance when pressed.

Should you press the alert button accidentally, you can press it again to cancel the alert.

Height-adjustable desks

There are three height-adjustable desks in the library. One on the first floor (east wall, overlooking the terrace), one in the computer room, and one on the second floor (north wall, near study room one).

These desks can be raised and lowered using the up and down arrow buttons on the front of the desk, towards the left.

If there are issues with any of the desks in the library, please use the maintenance reporting form or email the library.

Desk lamps

The desk lamps are touch operated, one touch on and off.

If there are issues with any of the lights in the library, please use the maintenance reporting form or email the library.


There are automated windows to help control the temperature in the library, and manual windows if you want to let in extra air. On the second floor, the skylight windows can also be opened.

On both floors, there are roller blinds to cover the lower, larger windows. There are electric blinds for the skylight.

If there are issues with any of the windows in the library, please use the maintenance reporting form or email the library.

First Floor

On the first floor, there are 18 seats available, with an additional 4 in the computer room. These are located at:

  • 6 window desks, including 1 height-adjustable desk;
  • 2 larger desks with 6 seats available on each;
  • 4 PCs in the computer room, including 1 height-adjustable desk.

There are power points (plug and USB) at each of the desks, on the front of the desk.

There are 4 toilets, including 1 accessible toilet, on this floor.

There are 4 PCs available in the computer room, together with the printer / copier / scanner and a comb binder.

There is self-service borrowing and returning, a returns trolley, and a tablet for checking iDiscover in the first floor lobby.

There is tap water and a kettle available in the common room, together with sofas and beanbags and the GUS general reading collection. Eating is allowed in the common room, and drinks in lidded containers are allowed throughout the library.

The majority of the book collection is on the first floor.

Student sitting at first floor library desk

Floor plan of the Bartlam Library first floor

Second Floor

On the second floor, in the Donald Welbourn Reading Room, there are 61 desk seats available. These are located at:

  • 13 window desks, including 1 height-adjustable desk;
  • 6 larger desks.

There are power points (plug and USB) at each of the desks, on the front of the desk. In the study rooms, there are sockets on the walls.

There are also two bookable study rooms, which have a capacity of 6 people per room, and several sofas and beanbags for additional seating.

There are two laptop docks, each with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. One is on an individual desk by the middle south window and the other is in study room one.

There are 2 toilets on this floor.

There is a tablet for checking iDiscover and a returns trolley in the lobby.

The books on this floor are mostly less-well-used and reference books.

Second floor of the library with people at desks,

Second Floor: Study Rooms One and Two

There are two study rooms on the second floor.

These rooms are usually bookable between 07.00 and 23.00 each day, up to 4 weeks in advance.

The rooms are designed for groups of up to six, though they may be able to accommodate slightly larger groups for short periods of time. You can rearrange the tables and chairs to suit.

There is a wall-mounted whiteboard and a standing (wheelable) flipchart / whiteboard in each room. There are limited supplies for each, but please do bring your own flipchart paper if you plan to make extensive use of it (A1 size).

Study room one also has a laptop dock with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Floorplan of the Bartlam Library second floor

Access information

University Card entry with an intercom to the library office and the Porters' Lodge.

Ground floor entrance lobby with a lift and stairs to the first and second floors.

Accessible toilet on the first floor.

Three height-adjustable desks (two on the first floor, one on the second).

Emergency procedures

If the fire alarm sounds, leave by the nearest exit. Make your way to the ground floor via the main staircase or the emergency staircase.

The assembly point is on Ann's Court lawn.

There is an emergency staircase in the southwest corner of the building (shown in green with the emergency exit symbol on the floorplan). The emergency exit door is on the left when you reach the ground floor.

On the main staircase, the emergency exit door is on the right when you reach the ground floor.


We would be grateful for your feedback on any aspect of the building, and will respond to any suggestions. You can share your feedback with the JCR or MCR or directly with us (all feedback will be collated).

If there is an urgent problem whilst you are in the building, please contact the Porters' Lodge by phone (01223 335846) or by email.

The Bartlam Library is open from 07.00 until 02.00 during term and from 07.00 until 24.00 during the vacation. (Last entry at 01.45 in term and 23.45 in the vacation.)

Library staff are usually available between 09.00 and 17.00, Monday to Friday, either in the library or working from home. If you have an enquiry of any kind, please email the library and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.

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