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The tips, tricks and case studies below relate to 1-to-1 teaching, i.e. an instructor working with a learner individually, often taking the form of a bespoke session designed around the specific needs, circumstances and questions of the learner.
Tips and tricks
Case study example
1-to-1 support with databases: "Normally students ask for one-to-one sessions when they have a specific enquiry about finding literature or data for their dissertations or projects. Recently I helped a student navigate a new data resource: EPWRF India Time Series. This is a new purchase and replaces IndiaStat. One of the positive aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic is the increased use of Microsoft Teams. It proved really useful in this instance as we were able to share screens and talk face-to-face as we navigated the 'Help' and filter options to construct the search together. The output had initially only given the student a list of dates but I was able to show how to select the parameters need to get a workable output and talk through the student’s specific needs."
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