
Cambridge LibGuides

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Request a Digital Copy: Guide

Guide to the Request a Digital Copy Service at Cambridge University Library

Disability access

Can I use this service if I have a disability?

Yes! You can place requests through this service but you will be restricted by Copyright rules. This means you will only be able to request one chapter of a book or one article in a journal issue.

What if I need a Copyright Exception to be made?

If you need a digital copy of more than one chapter/article due to your disability, please contact the Libraries Accessibility Service.

I use a Screen Reader

The Request a Digital Copy service sources copies from other libraries beyond Cambridge. As we are not scanning the content ourselves, we cannot guarantee that the file will have gone though Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Without OCR your screen reader will not be able to read the file. If you use a screen reader, please contact the Libraries Accessibility Service to help with your request.

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