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Plant Sciences: Physical resources

Resources for students and researchers studying plant sciences at Cambridge

Finding Physical Resources

Any physical resources can be found by searching on IDiscover, the University of Cambridge Libraries catalogue. Filter by resource types or for the Libraries you wish to use. Many of our libraries have a dedicated computer you can use to access the iDiscover Calatogue, but you can also access the catalogue from your own computer, or even using your mobile phone.

Plant Sciences Library collections

The Plant Sciences Library holds over 16,000 books on plant anatomy, physiology, genetics, microbiology and pathology. The library also collects material on ecology and conservation, plant biomes, applied botany, palaeobotany and the history of botany. There is an excellent mixture of older and classic plant science works and new publications. All books found on undergraduate reading lists can also be found in the library. 

Although many journals can now be accessed online, either openly or through a University subscription, the library continues to take certain journal titles in print format, some of which are not published electronically. We also hold many journal backruns, some of which are rare or unique in Cambridge.

Accessing the Plant Sciences Library

The Plant Sciences Library is open 24/7 to all members of the Plant Sciences Department, including Part II and postgraduate students. You will need to swipe in with your blue University card to access the library on the ground floor of the main department building.

All other visitors wishing to consult material in the Plant Sciences Library should email the library in advance of your visit. 


Members of the department may borrow books from the library. Use the online borrowing form to record your loan and a member of staff will add it to your borrowing record.

Other libraries in Cambridge

There are many other libraries in Cambridge which may also hold useful collections for your subject. We recommend:

University Library

Betty & Gordon Moore Library



Physiology, Development and Neuroscience

History and Philosophy of Science

A full list of all the libraries in Cambridge can be found on the Libraries Directory.

Cory & Herbarium Libraries collections

The Cory & Herbarium Libraries house two significant collections which include:

  • Horticultural reference works, including practical horticulture
  • Monographs on particular plants, or types of plants
  • Floras by geographical area
  • Works on taxonomy and systematics
  • The Simpson collection of UK floras
  • The Cory collection of early botanical and horticultural works

Accessing the Cory & Herbarium Libraries

The Cory & Herbarium Libraries are open for members of the Plant Sciences Department, the Botanic Garden and those working in the Sainsbury Laboratory (SLCU).

The Library is open to members of the Department of Plant Sciences, staff at the Botanic Garden, the Sainsbury Laboratory and those working in the University Herbarium from Monday to Friday, 8:00 – 17:00. Before your first visit to the Library, please get in touch with us so that we can set up your access and introduce you to the space and collections.

All other non-members of the Department, including volunteers in the Botanic Garden and visitors to the University Herbarium, may access the Library by prior appointment, during staffed hours.

Electronic Legal Deposit

The Electronic Legal Deposit terminal in the Plant Sciences Library.

Records in iDiscover that have the 'Electronic legal deposit' location can be accessed on the designated PC in the Plant Sciences Library.  Terminals are also available in many other Faculty and Department Libraries, at the Moore Library and at the UL. More information about what is available and how to access can be found in the Electronic legal deposit guide

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