
Physical & Digital Collections

Electronic Legal Deposit: Access

Under the terms of the Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 and the Legal Deposit (Non-Print Works) Regulations 2013 access to electronic legal deposit (eLD) material may only be provided to readers at a workstation “on library premises controlled by the deposit library”. Please note that electronic legal deposit books, journals and web content cannot be made available beyond the physical premises of Cambridge University Libraries under the terms of current legal deposit legislation. 

Access is available to eLD material at computers within the main Reading Room and the Commonwealth Room within the University Library, and at affiliated Faculty and Department libraries. 

It is possible to order printouts of a chapter or an article from material held as Electronic Legal Deposit. This material will be delivered in printed form only, and cannot be sent via email, although it can be posted to UK addresses. There is a charge of £2 per full printout, payable before collection or posting. You may submit a request here: Request a printout of material held as Electronic Legal Deposit | Cambridge University Library


Access may be available within the Affiliated Libraries below. Each library will have its own access arrangements, please check with the library you intend to use before visiting.

Library Access terminal available Printing
African Studies Yes No
Archaeology and Anthropology (Haddon Library) Yes No
Architecture and History of Art Yes No
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Yes Yes
Chemistry Library Yes Yes
Classics Yes No
Criminology (Radzinowicz Library) Yes Yes
Divinity Yes Yes
Economics (Marshall Library) Yes Yes
Education Yes Yes
Engineering Yes No
English Yes Yes
Geography Yes No
Genetics Yes No
History (Seeley Library) Yes Yes
Medical Yes Yes
MML Yes No
Moore Yes Yes
Music (Pendlebury Library) Yes Yes
Philosophy (Casimir Lewy Library) Yes Yes
Physics (Rayleigh Library) Yes Yes
Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Yes Yes
Plant Sciences Yes No
Psychology library Yes Yes
Social and Political Sciences Yes Yes
South Asian Studies Yes No
Squire Law Library Yes Yes
Veterinary Medicine Yes Yes
West Hub Yes Yes*
Whipple Yes Yes
Zoology (Balfour & Newton Libraries) Yes Yes

*University members only

Access is not permitted via any other device connected to the University network or off-campus. Nor can designated PCs be installed in other Cambridge libraries, including college libraries, as these are not “controlled by the deposit library”.

To access eLD material via a designated PC first read the “Terms and Conditions” and, if in agreement, click to “Accept conditions and continue”.


Then enter search terms in the basic iDiscover search box. On the designated PCs a default filter is set to limit a search to “Electronic Legal Deposit” material.


To view the text of an item either click on the phrase “Online access restricted to designated PCs in the main UL + affiliated libraries” in the brief catalogue record


or open the full record and click on the link under “View Online”.


Please note that eLD journal articles are indexed at article level and should be searched for by author and/or article title. It is not currently possible to search for a journal title and browse articles within it. The “Online access” links in catalogue records for eLD journals are disabled.

For information about maps see here or contact staff in the University Library’s Map Room (email maps@lib.cam.ac.uk, tel.: 01223 (3)33041 or (3)33042.

Only one concurrent user is permitted to access a given eLD item via any of the designated PCs throughout Cambridge libraries. However, if a session is inactive for five minutes, it will time out and another user will shortly afterwards be able to access the same item.

If the default “Electronic Legal Deposit” filter is cancelled, a search will also retrieve records for non-eLD material, but links to subscription electronic resources will not work. These may be consulted via any other computer connected to the University network or off-campus by current staff and students using their Raven login.




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