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Medicine: Keeping Up To Date: Table of contents alerts


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Table of Contents alerts

Journal TOCs (link opens in new window) is a free online resource which alerts you when new issues of your favourite journals are published. By signing up for alerts, you will receive an email alert whenever a new issue of any of the journals you follow becomes available.

  • Go to Journal TOCs (link opens in new window)
  • Register for a free account by clicking on the Sign Up link (in the middle of the screen)
  • Start searching for journals in the search box and click Go, or browse for titles by topic.
  • To create an alert, tick the box next to a title to select it.

If you have saved journals to "My Bookshelf" in your BrowZine account you will receive updates when new articles are published in these journals.

To learn more about accessing BrowZine and adding titles to "My Bookshelf" follow the link below.

BrowZine brings it home for Cambridge readers of academic journals (link opens in new tab)

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Medical Library Team
University of Cambridge Medical Library
Box 111
School of Clinical Medicine
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Subjects: Clinical Medicine

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