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Medicine: Keeping Up To Date: Database alerts


Image credit: Hawksky on Pixabay

Database alerts

Some databases allow you to save your searches and create alerts.


  • Go to PubMed (link opens in new window)
  • Search for the topic of your choice, and click "Create alert"
  • Log in
  • Give your search strategy a name
  • Choose the options that suit you best (Abstract is better than Summary)
  • Save
  • Alternatively, if you're already using the "Advanced" search, click on the line number (e.g. #5) and pick "save in My NCBI"


Medline, Embase, AMED and HMIC are all accessed via the OVID interface.

University of Cambridge Raven holders access Embase and Medline via OVID. NHS Athens account holders can access Medline, Embase, AMED and HMIC via the OVID interface.

  • Raven account holders click Embase ( link opens in new window) or Medline (link opens in new window)  to get access. NHS Athens account can access Embase, Medline, AMED and HMIC (link opens in new window) via the OVID interface (Log in via the "OpenAthens Login" underneath the main login box, not the main login box)
  • Search for the topic of your choice. When you hover over "more" in your search history you'll see the choice to "Create Auto-Alert"
  • Log in - you'll need to create a personal account, even though you've logged in with Raven or Athens
  • There are many options, but most important is to give your strategy a name. You can put the date in the "Comment", which can be helpful if you have multiple saved alerts and searches.
  • Choose the options that suit you best
  • Click "Save"

PsycINFO, Global Health and CINAHL are accessed via the EBSCO interface.

University of Cambridge RAVEN holders access PsycINFO (link opens in new window) and Global Health (link opens in new window) via EBSCO. NHS Athens account holders can access CINAHL (link opens in new window) via EBSCO.

  • Once you've logged into the database, search for the topic of your choice
  • Click "Save Searches/Alerts" above the search history box
  • Log in - you'll need to create a personal account, even though you have already logged in with RAVEN or Athens
  • There are lots of options, so make sure you give your search a name and select the "Alert" option
  • Choose the options that suit you best
  • Click "Save"

Google alerts

As well as keeping up to date with journal literature on your area of interest, having a regular search of the web can be very useful. Google Alerts (link opens in new window) can help.

  • Go to Google Alerts (link opens in new window)
  • Enter your search terms, and choose the options that suit you best e.g. how often, sources, language, region and how many results
  • You’ll receive an email from Google to verify that you wish to set up the alert
  • To manage your alerts – delete or modify – you must log in with the Google account that matches the email address that you’ve used to set up your alerts

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