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Creating Conference Posters: Presenting Posters Online

Online Conferences

Presenting your poster online

An increasing number of conferences now take place online. This means that posters are no longer printed, but instead are displayed online, sometimes with some form of presentation by the posters' authors. This usually takes one of three forms:

  • Posters uploaded to a website
  • Posters uploaded to a website, accompanied by short prerecorded videos
  • Posters presented live using Zoom or similar software

If your poster is accompanied by video (either live or prerecorded), make sure that it presents your work in the best possible light. Ensure that the sound quality is good, that you look at the camera and speak clearly, and that you are dressed professionally with a neutral or professional-looking background. If you will need to respond to audience questions in a live video, make sure you are familiar with your topic and can speak without notes (or that you have the notes easily accessible). Some online conferences use chat or message boards instead of video Q&As -- if this is the case, make sure you are familiar with the set-up and will be able to respond in a timely manner.

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