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Computer Science: Computer Science Collections

Computer science subject guide updated for 2020/21

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Information about collections for Computer Science

The Department's library was started soon after the Laboratory's foundation in 1937, and was housed within the Laboratory up until the Summer of 2019. At this time the collection included material from the earliest computers up to the present day, including about 4,500 books (including conference proceedings and theses), 100 periodical titles, and 14,000 technical reports. There was also a reference section and course books from the current undergraduate reading lists. The main collection was moved to the West Hub in Spring 2022, while extensive collections of journals and other resources are available electronically.

West Hub Showcase


West Hub information desk

West Hub library

Library collections in North room

West Hub first floor and staircase

Information about electronic collections

There are a range of electronic books available which you may find helpful if you are unable to visit the library in person. These will usually cover the most popular items on your reading list. For help with finding and using electronic books, please see the e-books@cambridge guide.

Alternatively, there is a short video induction available:

Electronic journals

A wide range of journals are available for electronic access from any networked computer. Most of these can be found and accessed from iDiscover;. Alternatively, please consider the following options to help find titles:

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