Resources for My Subject

Computer Science: Home

Computer science subject guide updated for 2020/21

Computer Science overview

This guide aims to present an overview of the resources available for computer science students or researchers. There are a range of resources available across libraries in Cambridge, and these pages will show you what is on offer, and advise about accessing them.

Specifically, most specialist resources for Computer Science will be found in the West Hub Library with additional resources available in the Betty & Gordon Moore Library. In addition there are a range of electronic resources which can also be accessed online from any computer on the University network. More details can be found in this guide on the Computer Science library resources site.

When planning a physical visit to any library within the University, you may wish to check their entry in the Libraries directory, or find them on the University map

Locating print collections

The most frequently used collections can be found in the West Hub Library on the opposite side of J.J. Thomson Avenue to the Computer Laboratory.

Some additional resources for Computer Science can be found at the Betty & Gordon Moore Library.

Undergraduate students should also be able to find core texts in their college library. Please see the libraries directory for details on how to contact them.

West Hub library

West Hub library

The West Hub library is now open, holding the majority of the collections from the Computer Laboratory. Current staff and students are welcome to use the library and borrow books between 8am and 9pm, Mondays to Fridays. There are also a variety of spaces for study and collaborative work.

Library catalogues


You can search for items in any library within the University using iDiscover. This offers a simple Web style interface which will be familiar to many users. For a more traditional interface try the advanced search option. Make sure that the Cambridge libraries collections option is selected in the first instance.

Online resources


Nicholas Cutler

Please see my personal page for additional ways of contacting me.
Please contact the librarian, Nicholas, through the Technology libraries team:
techlib "at"

Or telephone:
(01223) 762729

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