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Computer Science: Reading lists

Computer science subject guide updated for 2020/21

Undergraduate lists

The complete reading list is available as a single alphabetical list aimed at librarians and those purchasing books for computer science students.

Students looking for recommended books for current courses should consult the syllabus entries which will list books on a 'per course' basis, and give an indication of their suitability.

The reading lists are also available on Leganto, which is also able to display availability information from the library catalogue. For undergraduate students the available lists are:

M.Phil lists

The complete M.Phil reading list is available as a single alphabetical list aimed at librarians and those supporting M.Phil students in computer science.

Students looking for recommended books for current courses should consult the syllabus entries which will list books on a 'per course' basis, and give an indication of their suitability.

The reading lists are also available on Leganto, which is also able to display availability information from the library catalogue. For M.Phil students the relevant list is:

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