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Clinical Medicine: Home

Clinical Medicine Collections in Cambridge

There are many specialist print and online resources for Clinical Medicine in Cambridge. These pages give you an overview of the resources and research support that libraries can offer.

University of Cambridge staff and students can borrow books from the library with their blue cards. NHS staff based in the East of England can register using the registration form. Once the form has been completed please email us from your NHS email account including your current role and contract end date. If you have previously been a member of the Medical Library please contact us and we can re-activate your library account.


Subject specialist

Profile Photo
Medical Library Team
University of Cambridge Medical Library
Box 111
School of Clinical Medicine
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Subjects: Clinical Medicine

Online resources

Here are some starting points for searching for the books, journal articles, and other resources you need.  

To access databases via Raven use the A-Z databases LibGuide.

NHS Knowledge and Library Hub to access electronic resources such as ejournals and databases.


Opening Hours

The Medical Library is open:

08:00 - 19.45 Monday - Friday

09:00 - 16.45 Saturday

Staff at the enquiry desk:

10:00 - 16:00 Monday and Friday

10:00 - 19:00 Tuesday - Thursday

13:00 - 16:00 Saturday


University of Cambridge staff and students can borrow books from the library with their blue cards. NHS staff based in the East of England can register using the registration form. Once the form has been completed please email us from your NHS email account including your current role and contract end date. If you have previously been a member of the Medical Library please contact us and we can re-activate your library account.

Locating and using print collections

To find textbooks and other printed books in the Medical Library use iDiscover, (link opens in new tab).

To find Clinical Students' reading lists use Leganto. (link opens in new tab)

If you need the full text of an article please email us at

There are many other libraries in Cambridge which may also hold useful collections for your subject.

We recommend:

Your college library (link opens in new tab).

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