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Physical & Digital Collections

Cambridge College Libraries: Home


Each of the 31 colleges at Cambridge has a library for use by its members. College libraries provide books on reading lists, congenial working spaces and a wide range of support for researcher's information needs (please see the College Libraries Statement of Purpose for further information). Many of them also host unique and distinctive special collections of books and archives. The use of each library's space and collections tends to be for college members only, but many special collections are open to visitors by appointment. If there is a book in a college library that is not held by a faculty/departmental library or the University Library (you can check this on iDiscover), please contact the owning library directly to ask about possible reading or borrowing privileges.

Contact details

For individual libraries' contact details, please see the Libraries Directory. The editors of this LibGuide are Annie GleesonSarah Preston and Kate Arhel.

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