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CamGuides: Finding and Using Resources

It's also possible that you'll be using social media quite regularly, and you might occasionally want to search it. There is often an advanced search functionality but there are some other strategies you can use to find better results:

  • If you're looking for example for tweets from or to a specific user, add from:username or to:username to the start of your search string (or add both).
  • You can use filters to get tweets with certain conditions e.g. filter:verified will only bring up tweets from verified users, and there is also filter:links, filter:media, filter:image. Putting a hyphen before filter will bring up the opposite results (i.e. non-verified users).
  • Using since: and until: will allow you to add a date span to your search (dates should be formatted as YYYY-DD-MM)
  • You can use lang: to get tweets in specific languages

More information about ways to search Twitter is available in this excellent thread.

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CC0 by PhotoMix via Pixabay

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