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Resources for My Subject

Geography: Electronic Resources

Your comprehensive online information and study resource for studying Geography at University of Cambridge

Recommended Databases

Troubleshooting common access problems


Finding resources in the library


 Use iDiscover to track things down

Search for the article title you want on iDiscover. Sometimes iDiscover does not have the article title indexed, so a quick workaround is to search by the Journal title itself and navigate to the electronic or hardcopy. Be sure to check what issues are on offer as there may be gaps in what years of a journal we hold.


Tip! Browse our databases for further resources

We have a dedicated guide with all the databases offered by the University in one place. Here you can find filter down to subject databases and then use a specific database to search for articles in your area of research.


 Tip!Are you working or studying outside of campus or need Open Access options?

Lean Library: Please download the Lean Library browser extension and the plugin will recognise you/your Raven as a member of Cambridge and give you access to the resources (some publishers will not recognise LeanLibrary and you will need to log in manually).

LibKey Nomad: Please dowland the LibKey Nomad and it will work on your Internet browser wherever you are studying or researching.  It saves you time:  You only need to authenticate once via Raven in any new browser session.  You won't need to login to Raven again, or onto different publishers' websites.

Google Scholar can also help. On Settings, click on Library Links, search and select the University of Cambridge using the search box and hit save. Now the University of Cambridge links will appear in your search results.

Did LeanLibrary or Google Scholar still not give you access?

Try logging in manually to the website that you are trying to access the article from:

  • Step 1. Choose the Shibboleth login option (if available).
  • Step 2. Select UK Higher Education as your region or group.
  • Step 3. Select the University of Cambridge from the list and login with your Raven. Is it listed as "available online" on the iDiscover catalogue but you still can't access it?

Ebooks, Dissertations and others

Electronic dissertations

Access here.

Select the dissertation from the list and add the code number in the request form. 

A selection of dissertations from recent graduates, and MPhil Conservation Leadership placement reports*, are now available for reading access online.

We regret to announce that paper copies of dissertations submitted prior to 2020 are not included in this service.

Checking your access to electronic resources

Most staff and students should be able to access e-resources using their Raven credentials but if you want to make sure everything is working, please go to the Test e-resources page. If you can't access this page or have any other questions about accessing resources, please contact us.

Requesting resources

Requesting resources not available in Cambridge Libraries

First, make sure you are logged in on iDiscover (top right side of the page).


➤ Digital Copy service

You can request articles from other libraries across the UK through our Request a Digital Copy service.

A step-by-step guide to requests is available on this dedicated LibGuide.


➤ Requesting anything else 

We recommend that if you are unable to find the item you require on iDiscover and are not presented with the option to 'Request a Digital Copy' that you place a request through the Inter Library Loans website. The Inter-Library Loans service covers lots of additional things too like entire books and theses from other institutions.


➤ Recommend a resource for our collections 

For e-books, e-journals or databases that you would like to recommend for our collection, use our dedicated recommendation form and we will get back to you with further options.

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