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Psychology: Open Access Resources

No fee journals - publication


A few titles from 'No-fee Open Access Journals for all fields' list







19 JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY & NEUROSCIENCE 1.59474 neuroscience Canadian Medical Association
24 Judgment and Decision Making  1.19255 psychology Society for Judgment and Decision Making
29 Evolutionary Psychology 1.07371 psychology Evolutionary Psychology
47 CBE-Life Sciences Education 0.841544 education AMER SOC CELL BIOLOGY
48 CBE�Life Sciences Education 0.841544 education American Society for Cell Biology
61 Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 0.732345 medicine American Board of Family Medicine
62 Journal of Biosciences 0.721574 molecular and cell biology Springer
64 Journal of Headache and Pain  0.703808 neuroscience Springer
65 JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 0.690373 neuroscience US Dept of Veterans Affairs
75 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 0.620766 education Taylor Francis
80 Alcohol Research & Health 0.590922 psychology National Institute of Health
87 Family Medicine 0.553793 medicine Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
88 Journal of Biomedical Science 0.552777 molecular and cell biology BioMed Central Ltd
96 International Journal of Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health 0.527316 medicine Versita
120 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 0.451844 neuroscience Polish Neuroscience Society
141 Cadernos de Saude Publica 0.404298 medicine Escola Nacional de Sa�de P�blica Sergio Arouca
143 Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 0.40399 psychology Associa��o Brasileira de Psiquiatria
158 Revista Panamericana de�Salud P�blica/Pan American Journal of Public Health 0.370325 medicine Pan American Health Organization
168 International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology 0.348281 environmental health Iranian Society of Environmentalists
182 European Journal of Psychiatry 0.325585 molecular and cell biology Universidad de Zaragoza
197 Science China Life Sciences 0.298253 molecular and cell biology Springer
198 Industrial Health 0.297383 medicine Japan National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
201 Educational Technology & Society 0.295387 education International Forum of Educational Technology & Society
205 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 0.287656 education Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education
215 PSYCHOLOGICA BELGICA 0.273823 psychology Belgian Association for Psychological Science
231 International Journal of Clinical Health Psychology 0.255382 psychology Asociaci�n Espa�ola de Psicolog�a
232 International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 0.255382 psychology ASOCIACION ESPANOLA PSICOLOGIA CONDUCTUAL
256 Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences 0.217073 molecular and cell biology Upsala Medical Society
258 Ciencia & Saude Coletiva 0.214265 medicine ABRASCO
263 Neurology Asia 0.207655 neuroscience ASEAN Neurological Association (ASNA)
266 Folia Neuropatholgica 0.205549 neuroscience Polish Academy of Sciences
301 Revista de Ciencia politica 0.161548 political science Pontificia Universidad Cat�lica de Chile
303 Africa Spectrum 0.160604 political science German Institute of Global and Area Studies
306 Mana: Studies in Social Anthropology 0.158092 political science Ministry of Science Brazil
316 Psicologica 0.152414 psychology University of Valencia
328 Turkish Journal of Psychiatry 0.145396 psychology Turkish Association of Nervous and Mental Health
400 Psicologia: Reflex�o e Cr�tica 0.0476564 psychology Psicologia: Reflex�o e Cr�tica
403 Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 0.0406091 psychology Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology
410 Salud Mental 0.0351529 psychology Salud Mental 
411 Revista Brasileira de Pol�tica Internacional 0.0332357 political science Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient�fico e Tecnol�gico
412 IETE Journal of Research 0.0329374 information theory Medknow
413 Acta Bioethica 0.0228921 medicine Universidad de Chile
414 Comunicar 0.0217866 communications Grupo Comunicar
416 Convergencia 0.0127657 political science Autonomous University of the State of Mexico
418 Centro Journal 0.00563144 political science Hunter College

Open Access resources

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Preprint Servers

For general information on the use of preprint servers, read the useful guide from the Office of Scholarly Communication.

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bioRxiv is an online archive of unpublished preprints for the life sciences. By publishing here, authors can make their findings immediately available to the scientific community.


arXiv is an open-access archive for several million scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics

Open Access resources

Although many journals are only available to those with a subscription, an increasing number are now making some or all of their content freely accessible, or 'Open Access'. This means that our subscription database are not the only place you need to look when searching for resources. Find out more about how to search for open access content using this handy guide.

If you're interested in finding out more about the principles of Open Access, or want to publish your own content in Open Access sources, then check out this guide from the Office of Scholarly Communication.

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