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Biological Sciences at Cambridge: Home

Biological Sciences at Cambridge

The School of Biological Sciences at Cambridge is made up of nine departments, lots of dedicated institutes and research centres, a museum, botanic garden, and an animal hospital. Undergraduate students can be taught on one of four Triposes: Natural Sciences, Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, and the Medical and Veterinary Sciences Triposes. Postgraduate students can research topics that range across the biological sciences and beyond into interdisciplinary topics. 

So with all that variety and complexity, we've pulled lots of key information into this guide to the Biological Sciences. Below you will find clickable images that will take you to some of our dedicated subject guides. We also have information about the different undergraduate courses that we work with, as well as useful online resources, training opportunities, and research support possibilities.




Physiology, Development and Neuroscience

Veterinary Medicine


Plant Sciences




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