for Undergraduates
Feedback is any kind of information that someone gives you about your performance, skills and/or understanding, and can represent one of the best opportunities for improving. Feedback could be a grade on your essay, or comments given to you verbally or in writing. It might come from your supervisors, but might also come from friends, family, or even from yourself.
With the Cambridge supervision system, you will receive feedback on your work on a weekly basis. However, many students don’t take notice of their feedback. This can be for many reasons, but it’s very difficult to improve without getting any input on what to do differently, and how. Ignoring your feedback makes it difficult to do better next time. So receiving feedback is not the important thing. Instead, it is what you do with it that counts.
The resources on this page have been informed by and adapted from the Developing Engagement with Feedback Toolkit, Higher Education Academy, 2016.
Feedback can be instrumental in telling you why you have a disappointing set of comments or mark. If you ignore it, you can't improve. If you need someone to guide you through the feedback, contact whoever marked your work.
You will instead receive pointers for improving your work, so don't be disheartened, and take them in a constructive way. If it isn't clear from the comments if you are making good progress, speak to your supervisor. They may not say "it is a 2:1 piece of work" but they can give you an indication as to whether you are on track.
You may see these terms come up in your feedback as headers or specific points may include this vocabulary. Here are some pointers about how you could improve in these areas.
There are many words that academic staff may use to give you pointers on how to improve. However, you may not be familiar with those particular terms. There will be terms which are specific to your discipline but the glossary, linked below, may give you some explanations:
Feedback should be a conversation and supervisions give you an excellent opportunity to engage with it. You receive written and verbal feedback and then get a chance to ask questions and explore what that actually means in order to help you improve for next time. Use this time to ask for more specific comments, find out what went wrong so that you can improve.
Away from the face-to-face context, you should then build on what you have heard. You could write out the positive and negative comments on post-it notes and make them visible when you complete your next piece of work to remind you of what went well and what to avoid.
Or you could be more systematic and record feedback to create a 'portfolio' to help you reflect on your work over time. Have a look at these worksheets and think about whether you could build them into your working practices at Cambridge.
Content credits
Higher Education Academy (2016)
Image credits
CC0 by Nik MacMillan via Unsplash, CC0 by Icons8 Team via Unsplash
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