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Resources for My Subject

Music: Researching a Topic

Finding journal articles and music literature

Use abstract and indexing databases to carry out a general subject search. For music we specifically recommend RILM, RIPM, Music Index and Bibliographie des Musikschrifttums. Music is also covered in databases such as Periodicals Index online and Web of Science.


Search for the journal by title or explore via articles and journals. 


Research Data Management and Issues

E-resources help

The Libguide  for eresources and ejournals includes useful news and links as well as a contact and help section.  Please also feel free to get in touch with your subject specialist librarian.

Finding notated music

Cambridge collections contain both manuscript and printed music. Not all are available on the online catalogues and you will find some useful tips here:

Looking further afield we strongly recommend exploring RISM, the worlds largest database of musical sources. Many Cambridge holdings are included. 

Finding sound and video resources

When searching for sound and video recordings in iDiscover our advice is to either use advanced search and set material type to Audio Visual, or do a simple search and subsequently use (and lock) the filters.

In addition to our physical collections a range of online subscriptions is available. These can be found on A-Z eresources. Recommended resources include:

We can also recommend exploring the libguide for audiovisual materials. 

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