Studying at university involves building on your existing skills and developing new ones. Your department librarian is here to support you with your studies and this following page covers some of the essential skills you need to develop. If you would like to book a one-to-one session for advice please drop us an email.
For more in-depth study skills help check out the Study Skills Hub on the Physical Science Guide.
As you work through your tasks make a note of what you find easy, what you find harder, any distractions you might face and how you dealt with them. It also helps to think about any particular times of day when you feel especially productive. Some of us work better in the mornings, others work well later at night whilst for some it doesn't seem to matter. Although it's not always possible to work at your preferred times, knowing when they are can help you to better plan your schedule.
Once you know how you are currently spending your time you can start to solve any problems and capitalise on what is working well. Having multiple tasks on your to-do list can seem overwhelming but the key is to set priorities so that you work on the most important things first. There are several techniques you can use to do this but one of the best is the Eisenhower Method. Named after the US president it allows you to divide your tasks into four groups to see which you need to work on first. If a tasks is important and urgent then it goes to the top of the pile. If you are interested in this technique you can read more about the Eisenhower Method on the Product Plan website.
To-do lists have come a long way since they were scribbled on the back of envelopes. Writing a to-do list helps you to remember what you need to do and gives you a sense of achievement when you are dealing complete a task. You can of course rely on the traditional pen and paper but there are lots of list and project management apps available which mean you can take your list anywhere you're working. Trello, ToDoist, and are all easy to use and don't forget that you have access to Office 365 through the University so you could also use Microsoft ToDo. Our top tip: make 'write to-do list' your first entry. That way you can cross something off straight away!
Once you know what which order you need to tackle your tasks in it's time to set yourself some goals. SMART goals follow the formula below and turn a vague goal such as 'write essay' into something you will actually be able to do.
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R -Realistic
T - Timely
By making your goals SMART you can develop a plan to follow rather than just trying to finish something. You can read more about SMART goals and time management on the MindTools website.
As well as learning about mathematical concepts and how to apply them you will need to develop a way to communicate your ideas. Formal mathematical writing is likely to be different to what you have experienced before and is an important skill to develop. Your writing needs to be academically sound as well as a good piece of work in its own right. This is what your supervisors and examiners will expect to see during your studies and if you go on to pursue an academic career your colleagues will expect the same.
Dr Gareth Wilkes from the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics and Jesus College has put together an excellent introduction to mathematical writing. Aimed at first-year students, the guide offers tips and techniques to get you started as you develop your own voice and can be downloaded at the link below.
The Faculty also provides a concise guide to mathematics study skills which is available via the main Faculty website or the link below.
The important thing to remember about notes is that they are designed as a way for you to remember and react to the key points of a lecture, reading or other source. As long as the system you use works for you the it doesn't matter which one you like. You may find that you end up using different methods depending on the topic or assignment you are working on so it's always good to have a range of methods in your toolkit.
The Cornell Method is one of the most popular techniques for recording academic notes. This template offer space for you to record your main thoughts on a topic or reading but also prompts you for some extra information. You can record the title, author and page numbers of what you're reading - vital when it comes to good referencing. There is space at the side of the page for you to note down any keyword, thoughts and questions about a topic which can help you start to think more about what you are reading and how it connects with other ideas. Finally there is space at the bottom of the page to summarise your reading in your own words. Find out more about the Cornell Method.
You can read a summary of the pros and cons of these and other methods on the LifeHack website.
The Outline Method involves thinking about the main points of a reading and using these as headers to make further notes. Under each of these main headings you can record as many sub-headings as needed followed by any evidence which backs this up or thoughts you have about the material. This method requires you to think about the main topics in your reading and may work best after you have already read through the material once to get an idea of what is being said. The main advantage of this method is that it makes it simple to determine the main points of the reading which is useful for quick revision of a topic. Find out more about the Outline Method.
You can read a summary of the pros and cons of these and other methods on the LifeHack website.
Mind mapping is a great way to explore connections. It's also useful if you respond to more visual methods rather than lots of text. Sometimes referred to as spider diagrams, mind maps put a topic at the centre and then draw branches to sub-topics. These can be further divided into more sub-topics and so on. Limited space means that this type of note-taking won't be as detailed but this can stop the problem of just copying down what you have read. The main advantage to this method is that it is easy to draw connections between ideas to help you build up a picture of current thinking. This is especially useful if you're doing any type of literature review. Find out more about mind mapping.
You can read a summary of the pros and cons of these and other methods on the LifeHack website.
No matter how many exams you've taken so far in your academic career, anxiety about the process is completely normal. This may be the first time you're sitting exams at university and this will inevitably feel different to your previous experiences. The revision process for university level exams is also likely to be different. In the same way that much of your learning at this level will be self-directed, you will have to take more responsibility for your revision.
Remember that undergraduate mathematics exams in Cambridge are non-modular - questions on different lecture topics are spread over each of the four papers. This may impact what and how you choose to revise.
One of the most obvious places to start your revision is your own notes. Over the course of your studies you will have made notes from a variety of sources including lecturers, supervisions and your own reading. Now is the time to bring all of these together in your revision toolkit.
Reading your notes or other materials is one strategy for revision but it can also be quite a passive activity. Active reading techniques help you engage with the material which aids processing and retention of the information.
It can sometimes help to translate your notes into a different format. Not only does this make them more visually appealing but the act of transferring your notes can help them to stick in your memory.
Although a deep understanding of the material is crucial to exam success, sometimes you just need to remember facts or theories. Re-reading your notes or rewatching recorded lectures can help but why not try some of the techniques below?
Looking at past papers in your subject helps you to familiarise yourself with the format of the exam and gives you a chance to complete model answers as a revision tool.
Revision can be a lonely activity but it doesn't have to be. There are lots of ways you can get together with friends to do effective revision and offer each other some moral support.
Looking through past exam papers can help to familiarise you with the format of the exam and any instructions as well as giving you a chance to draft practice answers. If you want to get the full experience you can answer the questions yourself under simulated exam conditions. You can find past papers for Part IA, IB and Part II on the Faculty webpages.
Self-care is an important part of your study routine. Taking regular breaks, creating a good environment and looking after your physical and mental health can all help to ensure that you get the most out of the time you spend studying.
It's vital to build regular breaks into your study routine to reduce your stress, boost your energy and improve your memory. Most people can only truly concentrate on a task for between 10 and 50 minutes and research has shown that working in short blocks of time with breaks in between is one of the best ways to achieve your overall goal. The Pomodoro Technique encourages us to work in 25 minute bursts to break up a study session. How long you want to work between breaks will depend on both your project and your individual preferences but why not try some of the ideas below to give yourself a rest.
If you're feeling overwhelmed there are lots of ways to get help. The University offers a range of advice and support services who can help you in confidence and without judgement.