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Accessing Resources

Library Essentials

Ebooks and Eresources

There are countless eresources available to you online via Cambridge University Libraries subscriptions. Most eresources are licensed for Cambridge University members only and require a Raven account for access outside of the University network. 

You can search for journal articles using iDiscover or use a specialist database to find what you need. More information on databases, ejournals and tools to link to open access material can be found on the ejournals LibGuide

You also have access to 1.2 million+ ebooks from a wide variety of publishers and platforms. You can find ebooks using iDiscover (Tip: use the filter to restrict the search to ebooks). The video below presents a brief overview. More information is available in the ebooks LibGuide

Your college or subject librarian can explain eresources in your library induction, if you're not sure contact your librarian or the central teams on or

How to access and use ebooks - a video

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