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History and Philosophy of Science: Home

History and Philosophy of Science Collections in Cambridge

There are many specialist print and online resources for History and Philosophy of Science (often known locally as 'HPS') in Cambridge. This guide aims to give you an overview of the resources and research support available for this broad subject.

Contact us

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Whipple Library
Whipple Library
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Cambridge
Free School Lane
Cambridge CB2 3RH
+44 (0)1223 334547


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Online resources

For questions about e-resources, please see these Frequently Asked Questions.

You can find most of Cambridge's subscription e-resources via Google or Google Scholar.

BUT, you are far more likely to get accurate results, and full text access to pre-paid content by using one of the University Library routes.

*** Never pay for an article without double-checking with Library staff that there's no alternative! ***

To find an article / start researching a topic:

  • Type one author surname and a couple of words from the title into iDiscover
  • Think of some keywords that describe your topic and try searching for them individually in            iDiscover

To find out if, and if so how much of a journal is available online:

  • Search for the journal title (not the article title) in the ejournals A-Z

Using eresources from home:

Locating print collections

Specialist print resources and library help is available via the Whipple Library.

There are many other libraries in Cambridge which may also hold useful collections for your subject.

We recommend:

Cambridge University Library

Betty & Gordon Moore Library (West Cambridge site)

Seeley Historical Library (Faculty of History)

Casimir Lewy Library (Faculty of Philosophy)

Your College Library (see list)

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