Many library, museum and archive staff who look after map collections do so for only part of their time at work.
No matter how much time you spend looking after maps, do consider joining the Map Curators' Group (MCG) of the British Cartographic Society (BCS). It is not necessary to be a professional map curator or map librarian to join the Map Curators' Group.
Cartographiti is the MCG's newsletter and is distributed free of charge to members of BCS who express an interest in receiving it or you can subscribe if you are not a member of BCS.
Two major resources maintained by MCG are:
The Map Curators' Toolbox - An online source of information and help for map curators, librarians and archivists, sponsored by the Map Curators' Group of the British Cartographic Society. Sections on cataloguing, maps scale, equipment (including map storage), and much more.
Directory of UK Map Collections
lis-maps is a UK-based email discussion list for issues related to maps & spatial data librarianship. Other email discussion lists are available.
Guide to Cataloguing Printed Maps - Guidance notes for the occasional map cataloguer by Paula Williams (National Library of Scotland) and available on the Historic Libraries Forum website.