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Cartographic resources: Home

Describes the collection of Cambridge University Library's Map Department, give tips on finding maps, etc., and points to other resources, including the Map Department web pages

What is in this guide

Maps and atlases are relevant to many disciplines and research topics. Start exploring the wonderful collections available to you with this LibGuide. 

There are cartographic materials in many libraries and institutions in Cambridge:

Paper maps

The largest collection can be found in the Map Department of Cambridge University Library (CUL) and this LibGuide will help you get the most out of this collection. There is lots more information on the Map Department web pages.

There are also maps and atlases - old and new - in some department, faculty and centre libraries. In addition, some non-University institutions have substantial map collections.  Have a look at the Other Map Collections page. The staff at all locations will be happy to help you find what you are looking for, but this LibGuide will help point you in the right direction.

Digital maps

Find links to key resources on the Ordnance Survey and Digital & Online Maps tabs.

Need more help?

If you need help, either with finding a specific map or atlas, or if looking for maps of a particular geographical area or on a topic, please ask Cambridge University Library Map Department staff and we will try to help. We don't know everything about every map collection, but we will help as much as we can.

Head of CUL's Map Department

Profile Photo
Anne Taylor
Map Department
Cambridge University Library
West Road
01223 333041
Subjects: Maps

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