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for Master's

CamGuides: Software for Academic Use

Calendars and scheduling

A weekly planner on a desk, with a calendar on a phone, some pencils and a pair of sunglassesIf you don't already use an online calendar, this might be the time to get one. (Or, at the very least, a paper diary). Graduate life is usually exceptionally busy: with lectures and supervisions, attending events, getting involved in societies, and so much more. Setting up systems now to keep track of all of these events will be time extremely well spent.

There are several options available in terms of online calendars. You might be looking for something to sync with your devices, or your emails; something you can share with family, friends or coursemates; or just a really simple, straightforward one. Here are some recommendations.


  • Microsoft Outlook calendar: this comes automatically with your Cambridge email, and syncs with your email and contacts. You can use this to invite others to meetings and appointments, share calendars with coursemates. You can view your calendar both online and via the Outlook app for iOS and Android.
  • Google Calendar: syncs with a gmail account, shareable with others, and gives you the possibility of having multiple calendars. This is available as an app for iOS and Android too, and it also integrates with several other calendar apps (e.g. TimeTree, Readdle's Calendar 5) if you don't like the Google Calendar app. 
  • Or try one of the many, many apps available: TimePage, DigiCal, and more.


I have used my Google calendar more than I ever have in my life, that's for sure.

- MPhil (Part III) Maths student


Keeping on top of your workload

Some people working at computers, around a table, with coffeeThere are many ways in which you can use software and apps to help you stay on top of your workload. There are to-do list apps, project management software that you can use as an individual, ways to track how much time you're spending on your various commitments, and more. 

Think critically about these options - and what you feel you actually need the functionality to be for you.



  • On the simpler end of the to-do list spectrum is Workflowy. It looks like a basic Word document - it's a single list, organised by bullet points, and as you 'complete' something it comes off your list. If you just want to be sure that you don't forget to do something, this might be all you need.
  • Other to-do list apps will allow you to prioritise the items on your list: for example, both Todoist and Wunderlist will allow you to set daily goals and targets, will send you reminders, and more.
  • Some are focused fully on your daily goals: Microsoft's To Do focuses around what you need to achieve on a particular day.
  • Trello is really designed for project management but works well for individuals too, especially if you have longer terms projects or assignments.


Image credits

image #1: CC0 by Marjiana1 via Pixabay; Image #2: CC0 by rawpixel via Pixabay; Image #3: CC0 by Sonja Langford via Unsplash

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