Intangible Heritage Digital Archive 무형유산 디지털 아카이브
Archive of Gugak 국악아카이브
Artsnet 미술포탈 아츠넷
Digital Archive of Performing Arts 공연예술 디지털 아카이브
Intangible Heritage Digital Archive 무형유산 디지털 아카이브
Korea Digital Archives for the Arts 한국예술디지털아카이브
National Museum of Korea 국립중앙박물관
Seoul Photo Archives 서울사진아카이브
Leiden University North Korean posters (Private collection of Willem van der Bijl)
Modern Popular Songs in the Formative Period 형성기 근대 대중가요 디지털 아카이브, song lists and lyrics
HANCINEMA The Korean Movie & Drama Database
KMDb 한국영화데이터베이스
Korea Digital Archives for the Arts 한국예술디지털아카이브
Korean Annual Box Office Results 영화진흥위원회 박스오피스
Korean Film Archive 한국영상자료원
Korean Film Council 한국영화진흥위원회
KTV National Record Film 한국정책방송원 e영상역사관
North Korean film 북한영화 (통일부 북한자료센타)
North Korean Feature Films Database 북한 예술 영화 데이터베이스 by Benjamin Joineua
TOPIK Test of Proficiency in Korean
Korean Learner's Dictionary is Available in 11 languages, including English.
누리세종학당 Korean learning textbook and resources
Various types of Korean corpora (e.i. big language data), including newspaper corpus and National Assembly Minutes corpus
A comprehensive database for Korean modern literature. The site provides a search for authors and titles.
한국학 자료 통합 플랫폼 Korean studies resources portal site by 한국학중앙연구원
KORCIS: 한국 고문헌 종합 목록 (국립중앙도서관) Korean Old and Rare Collection Information System
한국 고전 종합 DB Image and text of 조선왕조실록, 승정원일기 and other old texts
한국 잡지 박물관 DB Archive of early 20th century Korean magazines
Kyujanggak Institute (규장각 한국학 연구원) Seoul National University Kyujanggak Institute for Korean studies
고려대학교 해외한국학자료센터 Information on Korean old resources abroad
한국 근현대 영상 아카이브 (고려대학교)
2,400 historic, original photographs of Korea (primarily focus on images captured pre-1970, and 35mm color slides) are available for research, presentation, lectures and other forms of scholarly works.
a collection of photographic records that vividly capture the people's daily lives and social changes.
Number of digitized historical newspapers from 1883-1960.
경향신문, 동아일보, 매일경제, 조선일보, 한겨레 archive from 1920 to 1999 with word search service.
Weekly and daily hot topics and trend analysis, search by media and keyword for newspapers since 1990.
Statistics Korea (KOSTAT 통계청)
Korean Statistical Information Sources (KOSIS 국가통계포털)
Open DATA Portal (공공 데이터 포털)
국가교육통계정보센터 (Korea National Center for Education Statistics & Information)
한국학술지인용색인 Korea Citation Index
국가법령정보센터 Korean Law Information Center, provides search the latest and official information of Korean law
Provide a simple definition and equivalent English phrases for terms related to Korean studies