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Accessing Resources

Raven Access to E-Resources: Raven entitlement

Who can and cannot use Raven for access to e-resources?

Current members of the University

All current members of the University (staff and students) have Raven access to e-resources provided by default as part of their Raven account from University Information Services (UIS).

Visiting Scholars/Academics

Although our licenses only permit access to be granted to current staff and students this can be extended to include academic visitors at Cambridge, here under an official visitor agreement. As visitors are not normally assigned a staff reference, in the CHRIS management system, their access will have to be manually managed by the lib-raven team. In order to setup that access we will need to see a copy of their visitor agreement or letter and their access will then be setup accordingly. 

This can be setup prior to their actual arrival in Cambridge, following contact from the department or college or by the visitor themselves contacting the lib-raven helpdesk and forwarding a copy of their agreement. All departmental/college contact on this matter should come from either HoD office, HR or the Librarian.

Retired members of the University

Retired members who are in receipt of their Cambridge University pension and have an existing Raven account may continue to use it the normal way. A retired member in receipt of their Cambridge University pension who doesn't have an account should contact the UIS. See here for further details. In regards to retired members of staff wishing to use Raven to access e-resources the following statement may apply.

"The licence terms under which we are authorising use of online services using Raven still generally exclude retired members of an institution as a class. We would extend the definition of "current staff or student" to include a retired academic who remains active within the department or College and therefore whose use can legitimately be seen as being for University purposes. We would require some form of communication, be that letter or email, from the faculty to that effect."

Alumni of Cambridge University

All Alumni (including those with MA degrees) of the University, who no longer conduct research, teach or study at Cambridge are not entitled to an account. Alumni have access to a subset of e-resources provided by the University Library and the Development & Alumni Relations office.  For more information visit the Journals and online resources page of the Cambridge Alumni website.

Other individuals not entitled to Raven access

Members of private companies who have close links to University departments, employees of the NHS or MRC or any Recognised Non-University Institution without a joint University appointment and visitors to University premises (including libraries) unless designated official visiting status by either a department or college, are also not entitled to access University licensed material.

Those supervising University post graduate students are, under this policy, not entitled to access the same University licenced services that the student can use. 

Further, individuals registered at and with admission to Cambridge University Library and Dependent Libraries as non-University patrons do not have any entitlement to use Raven-protected e-resources or to be issued with a Raven password for accessing e-resources remotely.  

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