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Psychology: Home

Welcome to the subject guide for PsychologyBlack and white photo of Dr MacCurdy. He is a white man with thinning hair, glasses and a serious expression.Collage of mixed photos of the Psychology Library.

There are many specialist print and online resources for Psychology in Cambridge. These pages give you an overview of the resources and research support that libraries can offer.

The Department of Psychology Library, housed in the main Psychology building on the Downing Site, has a first class collection of print resources and is a quiet and comfortable place to work. The MacCurdy Psychopathology Library is a small separate library based on the books bequeathed by Dr John Thomson MacCurdy, Cambridge University Lecturer in Psychopathology from 1923-1947. John Forrester and Laura Cameron, in their 2017 book Freud in Cambridge, describe it as "a remarkable collection of early twentieth-century psychoanalytic works."

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If you need a book that the library doesn't have, we can order it for you. Complete the online recommendation form and we will get in touch with you. If you're looking for a journal article, please email the library.

Focused on a collection of instrumentation tools developed for research but not made commercially available, APA PsycTests helps practitioners easily find scales and measures for their own use.

Meet Your Biological Sciences Libraries Team - collage of team members' portrait photos.

Biological Sciences Libraries Team

The Psychology Library is part of the School of Biological Sciences Libraries. We have a team of librarians working on providing resources and support in and out of the library space.


Preview of Web of Science database

The Web of Science (citation indexes), published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), is a multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the sciences, social sciences and arts.

The search interface at this web site provides access to Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index

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