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Resources for My Subject

Physics: WELCOME 2020/21



We have 77 study spaces available for you to use plus a relaxed sitting area for reading journals, and books, but can also be for studying.



Book returns in person 

Available to all members of the University and Visitors

Book returns by post 

University Library books can be returned by post to: Rayleigh Library, Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson, Cambridge CB3 0HE

We recommend using a tracked service. 

Drop box

The Medical Library and Moore Library each have a dropbox for returning books from any Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medical Libraries.



Scan & Deliver service, to enable our users to order scans of Rayleigh Library materials to be sent directly to their mail inbox, please email us at 



If not already registered with the Rayleigh Library, all users should complete a registration form before borrowing books. You may also have to re-register if any of the details alter on your university card, such as your status and expiry date. To download and complete the form to bring to the library click on Library Registration Form.

Undergraduates may borrow up to a maximum of:

  • 4 books at a time with an initial loan period of 7 days, from the the Student Library (SL) or from the main Collection, after which all loans will automatically renew until returned to the library
  • Borrowed books may be requested by another library user during term time only

University Staff, University PhD and Masters students may borrow up to a maximum of:

  • 10 books at a time with an initial loan period of 28 days after which all loans will automatically renew until returned to the library
  • Borrowed books may be requested by another library user during term time only

Visiting Fellows and Scholars may borrow up to maximum of:

  • 5 books at a time with an initial loan period of 28 days after which all loans will automatically renew until returned to the library
  • Borrowed books may be requested by another library user during term time only

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