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Architecture & History of Art: Opening Hours

AHA Library Opening Hours


9.30am - 5.30pm

Monday to Friday

Vacation Time

9.30am - 4.30pm

Monday to Friday


The library will be closed to users from August 21st to September 1st 2023, re-opening on Monday 4th September at 9.30.

You can check the term dates for the current academic year on the Cambridge University calendar webpage.


Library Updates

We are now pleased to welcome current Cambridge University students and staff, as well as visitors, in the library space.

Returning AHA Library Items 

You may return AHA library items either via our out-of-hours returns box, located by the History of Art Department entrance (yellow corridor), or in the library using the self-service machine.


All current members of the University are automatically registered to borrow, including staff, affiliated staff, undergraduates, postgraduates and affiliated students. 

Academic visitors to the Architecture & Art History (AHA) Faculty may also register to borrow. They should be introduced by a Member of the Faculty or by the Faculty Administrative Staff. All academic visitors need to be resident in Cambridge for at least a month to be able to register to borrow.

Academic visitors to Colleges and other Departments can use the Library only for reference.


Access for visitors

Throughout the year, the following may use the library for reference by appointment:

  • Graduate students from other UK universities on production of a student card or similar
  • Cambridge alumni who are not attached to a Faculty or College in the University of Cambridge

During the vacations only, the following may use the library for reference by appointment:

  • Undergraduates from other UK universities on production of a student card or similar
  • Graduates and undergraduates from overseas universities. However only on presentation of a letter from their home university addressed to the Faculty Librarian, justifying the need for using the Library
  • Members of public who have applied in writing to the Librarian, justifying the need for using the Library.

Food and drink (other than bottled water) is not permitted in the reading room and large bags or items can be left in the library lockers located in the central Faculty corridor to avoid trip hazards in our narrow spaces.

Please remember that the libraries are open for you online and more information about the University Library services, including 'scan and deliver' and other faculty and department libraries can be found at

•       For more general enquiries about using or accessing resources, using iDiscover, and much more: 

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