a.) To Search for online JOURNALS search for the journal by title in iDiscover (Cambridge University Union Catalogue) or ejournals@cambridge. Click on the link to the journal and navigate to the article. Always check whether the relevant year you need is covered by our subscription. Where the relevant year is not covered (not available online), search for the print version of the journal via iDiscover. (You can limit your search to print AFTER you have searched for the journal by using the filter on the right hand side of iDisvover interface.)
b.) Searching for JOURNAL ARTICLES in Roman scripts : search in iDiscover using keywords. (it will only bring up articles from journals and databases the University subscribes to). You can also use Google and Google Scholar (highly recommended).
c.) Searching for JOURNAL ARTICLES in vernacular scripts: search in iDiscover using keywords. (it will only bring up articles from journals and databases the University subscribes to). You can also search directly the relevant databases the University subscribes to. (Click on Subscription-based Online Resources tab in the Menu bar on the top on this page for lists of databases by subjects). For freely available articles try Google.
Contact the following subject specialist librarians at the Cambridge University Library for further help in finding or obtaining articles in vernacular scripts:
Chinese specialist : Charles Aylmer (email: chinese@lib.cam.ac.uk)
Japanese specialist : Dr. Kristin H. Williams (email: japanese@lib.cam.ac.uk)
Near and Middle East specialist: Yasmin Faghihi (near_eastern@lib.cam.ac.uk)
South Asian, Tibet and South-East Asian specialist: Craig Jamieson (southasian@lib.cam.ac.uk)
a.) JSTOR : picks up keywords from the actual articles (not only from the title)
b.) Google Scholar: picks up keywords from the articles as well as from the title.
c.) WorldCat: picks up key words from the article title only. It searches some journal article databases in vernacular scripts.
d.) Bibliography of Asian Studies: searchable by keywords, authors, title etc., referencing principally western-language articles and book chapters on all parts of Asia published since 1971. It is available via library subscription.
e.) Index Islamicus : international classified bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world (monographs, articles and reviews). It is available via library subscription.
a.) CiNii Articles : Articles in Japanese. For more information connect to our website
b.) Chinese Academic Journals : for more information connect to our website.
For questions about e-resources, (journals, ebooks, databases) see these Frequently Asked Questions. Please also feel free to get in touch with your subject specialist librarian.
Most bibliographic records catalogued after 2004 describe vernacular monographs in original script as well as in transliteration. This means that monographs published in vernacular scripts can be retrieved more easily by performing searches in original scripts. However, since not all records have been upgraded, for the best search result we recommend performing searches in the correct transliteration as well.
a.) iDiscover: you can search this Cambridge University union catalogue in transliteration or in vernacular scripts. Transliteration table is available from our library website. If you search in vernacular scripts, only bibliographic records containing vernacular descriptions (as well as transliterations) will produce search results. It is therefore recommended to perform search in correct transliteration as well.
To limit your search result to a specific library or to a specific resource type (e.g. online or print), use the filter on the right hand side of iDiscover.
b.) Searching for Japanese monographs: apart from iDiscover, you can also find Japanese books in Cambridge by using CiNii Books, the union catalogue for Japanese publications. You can search it in Japanese and limit your search to monographs available in Cambridge only, or in the the UK, Europe or Japan. For more information visit our library website.
e.) Searching for Chinese monographs: COPAC (the Union Catalogue of the Consortium of Research Libraries) contains the Cambridge University Library's Chinese material. Searchable in Pinyin but links to full Chinese vernacular bibliographic records. You can limit your search to Cambridge or other libraries. UK Union Catalogue of Chinese Books : Title and author searches may be made in simplified Chinese script (GB coding) or in Pinyin. You can limit your search results to Cambridge.
Contact the following subject specialist librarians at the Cambridge University Library for further help in finding or obtaining articles in vernacular scripts:
Chinese specialist : Charles Aylmer (email: chinese@lib.cam.ac.uk)
Japanese specialist : Dr. Kristin H. Williams (email: japanese@lib.cam.ac.uk)
Near and Middle East specialist: Yasmin Faghihi (near_eastern@lib.cam.ac.uk)
South Asian, Tibet and South-East Asian specialist: Craig Jamieson (southasian@lib.cam.ac.uk)
WorldCat : You can search this catalogue both in transliteration and in vernacular scripts. It is a vast union catalogue database containing bibliographic records from most universities in the United States, the UK and other countries, but you can limit your search to Cambridge only, or to the UK. Although you should not rely entirely on the search result, you could use it to find out how the book is transliterated and then use LibrarySearch. This is a useful catalogue to search for Arabic and Hebrew publications. RAVEN password needed to access catalogue outside cam-domain.
CiNii Books, the union catalogue for Japanese publications. You can search it in Japanese. Search result brings up the holdings of the monograph in question in all libraries worldwide. For more information visit our library website.
a.) EThOS :
b.) NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and dissertations)
c.) ProQuest Digital Dissertations
For more information connect to our website