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Physical & Digital Collections

ArchiveSearch: Ordering and using archives

Accessing material found on ArchiveSearch

How can I see material I have found on ArchiveSearch?

There may be a statement of 'conditions governing access' on ArchiveSearch to explain whether the collection is available and any restrictions on access.

Before making travel plans, please contact the repository to confirm that the material is available for consultation and to check arrangements to view it (such as making an appointment or applying for a reader's ticket).

How do I check whether the material I have found is available online?

Browse for 'Digital Objects' from the options at the top of the screen, or limit your search to 'digital objects' to check for materials that are available via ArchiveSearch.

Information about digital object records is being added to ArchiveSearch: please also check with the repository that holds the material. 

How do I order material I have found on ArchiveSearch?

ArchiveSearch does not include the ability to order material (or copies of material) directly from the website.

Click on the Contact Us button to email a repository, or use the repository's contact details at the bottom of the display. 

On screen information about access

Options for using archive material. Please contact for accessibility support.

Citing and printing material from ArchiveSearch

How do I order material I have found on ArchiveSearch?

ArchiveSearch does not include the ability to order material (or copies of material) directly from the website. Click on the Contact Us button to email a repository, or use the repository's contact details at the bottom of the display. 

How do I cite material I have found on ArchiveSearch?

The Citation button generates information which can be copied to your computer’s clipboard and used in citations. URLs for pages on ArchivesSearch are persisent and can be used in citations. 

How do I print information about a collection I have found on ArchiveSearch?

Click Print to generate a pdf document containing finding aid, or catalogue for a collection. Please note that it may not be possible to generate pdfs for some very large finding aids: in these cases, please navigate to a lower level of the catalogue to generate a pdf of a smaller number of records. 

Can I save searches on ArchiveSearch?

No. ArchiveSearch does not include the ability to save or bookmark lists of material.

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