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Music: Home

There are many specialist print and online resources for music in Cambridge. These pages give you an overview of the resources and research support that libraries can offer. You can find information on how to locate print and electronic resources for music and how to make recommendations for purchase. We have also selected the top music resources and provide tips on how to get started researching and referencing.



Locating physical collections

Specialist music resources and library help are available via the Pendlebury Library of Music and the University Library Music Collections. Many resources can be found using iDiscover, whilst for others finding aids and card catalogues are available. Archival materials relating to music are listed  on ArchiveSearch. If in doubt, please do ask a member of staff. 

There are many other libraries in Cambridge which may also hold useful collections for your subject.

We recommend:

College libraries with extensive music collections.

The Fitzwilliam Museum music manuscript collections

Music hire

The Pendlebury Library has around 500 sets of small-scale orchestral parts and a very small collection of vocal sets for hire. Terms and conditions are available at the library.

The University Library Music Department focuses on preservation of cultural heritage and research materials rather than performance, which means that sets of parts cannot be made borrowable.

Online resources

More links and information can be found under Researching a topic

Contact us

Pendlebury Library of Music
11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP
01223 335182


University Library Music Department
West Road, Cambrige, CB3 9DR
01223 333077


One-to-one online chats with a member of the library team can be booked via LibCal 


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