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Rare Books at Cambridge University Library: Electronic resources


The following is a brief list of electronic resources which may be useful to users of the Rare Books Reading Room. Access to most of these resources is provided by the University Library through subscriptions, and is restricted to computers on University networks, or to Library users with a Raven login off campus. Those listed below with an asterisk are unrestricted resources, free to all users. For further details of off-campus access and a full list of online resources, see eresources@cambridge. We welcome your suggestions of other resources that may be useful.

Union catalogues

ESTC* (English Short Title Catalogue), 1475-1800

ISTC* (Incunabula Short Title Catalogue), 1455-1501

STCN* (Short Title Catalogue Netherlands), 1501-1800

USTC* (Universal Short Title Catalogue)

NSTC* (Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue)

Blogs from Cambridge and elsewhere

UL Special Collections

UL Incunabula Cataloguing Project (now ended, but content remains)

Parker Library at Corpus Christi College Cambridge

The Conveyor - Bodleian Libraries Special Collections

Echoes From the Vault - St Andrew's University Special Collections

The Collation - Folger Shakespeare Library

Other useful resources

Apollo* (University of Cambridge digital repository)

eresources@cambridge* gateway

ArchiveSearch* (University of Cambridge archives catalogue)

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography*

Virtual Exhibitions at Cambridge University Library

Digitised books and periodicals

EEBO (Early English Books Online)

ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online)

EEB (Early European Books) - soon to include a visualisation tool locating EEB items on a map of Europe

British Newspapers 1600-1950

Biblia Sacra* (Bibles printed in the Netherlands and Belgium)

Patrologia Latina

Cambridge Digital Library*

John Johnson Collection of printed ephemera (Bodleian Libraries)

Eighteenth-Century Journals

Nineteenth-Century British Pamphlets*

Nineteenth-Century UK Periodicals

Nineteenth-Century Fiction

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