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Open Access for Administrators and Librarians

What is open access?

Welcome to this LibGuide on open access. It is primarily intended for research support administrative staff and librarians, but researchers may also find it useful.

This LibGuide is designed to give you an introduction to open access, including; funder policies, rights retention and current REF requirements. 

Each topic is covered through one or more short videos. PowerPoint slides and transcripts are available at the bottom of each video should you wish to view these. 

If you have any technical issues or are looking for further support, please email the Open Access Team at


This video contains information on: 

  • an overview of open access
  • what is open access 
  • the benefits of open access
  • a brief history of open access

Green and gold OA

This video provides

  • an overview of the two main types of open access;
  • green (self-archiving)
  • gold open access.


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