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Natural Sciences Tripos: Home

The Natural Sciences Tripos is the framework within which most of the sciences are taught in Cambridge. It is taught by sixteen Departments and includes a wide range of physical and biological sciences, as well as the history and philosophy of science.

This guide has brought together many of the resources available to help Natural Sciences Tripos students with their studies through their time at Cambridge. While there is a lot of overlap in subjects within the Natural Sciences Tripos, this guide separates them into broad disciplines to help you find what you need quickly. 

From reading lists to subject-specific support, this guide will help connect you to what you need, when you need it, and who you can ask for guidance.

Biological sciences

Study Skills

Physical sciences

History and Philosophy of Science

Help and Support

Not sure what subject you're doing or who you can ask? Send us an email and we will try to help.

In addition to departmental libraries, you can also find resources and training to support your studies at the Betty and Gordon Moore Library and the main University Library, as well as your college library

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