When you search for an item in iDiscover, it will display the item's location (the library/libraries where you can find it) and the item's classmark.
All the materials in the English Faculty Library are labeled with a classmark. This combination of letters and numbers will tell you where to find your item.
The first letter indicates what subject your item falls into. You can find a breakdown of these categories on posters by the stairs on each floor or on the Library Floor Guide on this page.
In this example, the E tells us it is a book from our main English Literature collection.
The first number indicates time period (or place).
The secondary numbers indicate subject divisions (poetry, prose, drama, history).
e.g. this book is shelved in the Victorian section.
Author names are next. The classmark takes the first three letters of the author's surname.
e.g. Keats becomes KEA.
The following three letters are the first three letters of the critic's surname.
e.g. The critic's name, Hrileena Ghosh, becomes Gho.