There are a growing number of open access ebooks available. For larger collections of open access ebooks, the ebooks@cambridge team endeavours to add individual book records to iDiscover. If we are aware of smaller collections or one-off, free ebooks which are useful to our users, we will add them to this page.
Let us know about any other free collections or titles and we will consider adding them to this page.
The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.
The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.
The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.
The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.
The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.
Looking for an open-access ebook or ebook chapter by a Cambridge academic? A growing number of open access books or book chapters are available in Apollo. Apollo is the online repository of the University of Cambridge's research output.
List of publishers of OA books maintained by the OA community. Regularly updated.
Further ebooks information for Cambridge librarians can be found on the Cambridge Libraries Intranet.