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ebooks@cambridge: Free & open access

A guide to finding and using ebooks at the University of Cambridge


There are a growing number of open access ebooks available. For larger collections of open access ebooks, the ebooks@cambridge team endeavours to add individual book records to iDiscover. If we are aware of smaller collections or one-off, free ebooks which are useful to our users, we will add them to this page.

Let us know about any other free collections or titles and we will consider adding them to this page.


Free collections

The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.

  • Acervo MAG Seguros - Historical minutes of the board meetings of Montepio Geral de Economia dos Servants of the State (founded in 1835). These 43 digitised manuscripts chart the development of social security in Brazil from the beginning. They were recognised as a documentary heritage of humanity through the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme in 2017.
  • Alex - A full text indexed collection of classic American and English literature as well as Western philosophy, written or translated into English.
  • Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature – Fully digitized versions of some 6000 children's literature books and periodicals from the USA and Great Britain from the mid 1600s to the present.
  • Bartleby — The full text of many classic literary works, including Shakespeare.
  • Bible Gateway – The full text of approximately 100 versions of the Bible in 54 languages.
  • Blake Archive – This archive contains electronic copies of William Blake’s illuminated books, as well as a number of his illustrations, drawings, paintings and manuscript works.
  • CARRIE – This full-text electronic library hosted by the European University Institute in Italy, contains digitised primary documents as well as ebooks in history.
  • Cascadilla Proceedings Project – Linguistics conference proceedings from Cascadilla Press.
  • Christian Classics Ethereal Library - A digital library of hundreds of Christian books, including 42 Bibles in various languages.
  • CMI - Chr. Michelesen Institute is an independent development research institute in Norway which publishes freely available Reports, Working Papers and Briefs, mainly in the fields of anthropology, economics and political science.
  • Fabula / Colloques en ligne - The online proceedings of academic literary conferences, symposia, study days and round tables, focusing especially on issues of literary theory and epistemology.
  • Film Studies for Free - A list of open access ebooks on film studies.
  • Gaia (University of California) - A collection of 28 open access books on global, international and area studies.
  • Gallica – This site from the Bibliothque Nationale de France allows access to thousands of digitised books, mostly in French.
  • HSRC Press - South African open access publisher in social science. The Press publishes the research output of the Human Science Research Council and externally authored works. Many titles are free to download.
  • Literature Project – Collection of full-text books, poems, plays and speeches.
  • Luminos (UC Press) – Luminos is University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program for monographs. OA monographs will be available for online viewing as well as for download and will accommodate color images and interactive media such as maps, audio and visual material.
  • Making of America (Cornell University) - A digital library for American social history containing 267 digitised books from the 19th century, but focusing mostly on serials.
  • Making of America (Michigan University) - A digital library for American social history containing approximately 1,600 digitised books from 1850-1877.
  • ManyBooks – Classic texts can be downloaded to a range of formats including for a variety of ebook readers. New titles are added regularly and an RSS feed is available for new additions.
  • Open Arizona - A small collection of open-access University of Arizona Press titles in the Humanities.
  • Open Book Publishers - An independent academic publisher in Humanities and Social Sciences. Many of their books are available to read for free online.
  • OpenEdition Books - OpenEdition Books is a web platform for predominantly French-language books in the humanities and social sciences. More than half of them are available in Open Access.
  • Open SUNY Textbooks - An open access textbook publishing initiative established by State University of New York libraries. The textbooks are fully downloadable and cover subjects in Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences and Technology.
  • Oxford Text Archive — The archive holds several thousand electronic texts and linguistics corpora, in a variety of languages. Includes online versions of works by individual authors, standard reference works and a range of language corpora.
  • Page by Page Books - Offers public domain ebooks to read online, presented as a series of web pages, so that individual pages can be bookmarked.
  • Penn State Romance Studies - An open access peer-reviewed monograph series in the languages, literatures, and cultures of the Romance languages.
  • Perseus Digital Library – A searchable and browsable collection of ebooks. The largest collections are classics and 19th century American studies, but other collections include Arabic, Germanic and Renaissance materials.
  • Refugee Rights Europe reports – Free reports from Refugee Rights Europe: a human rights organisation. Reports are based on research carried out into the experiences of more than 6000 refugees in Europe from 2016 to the present, covering France, the Greek Islands, the Italian-French border, Belgium, the UK, Germany and Spain.
  • Society of Antiquities of Scotland – As well as conference proceedings, the site provides access to out-of-print titles in this archaeological monograph series.
  • UNESDOC Digital Library - Global Education Monitoring Report – The Global Education Monitoring Report (the GEM Report, formerly known as the Education for All Global Monitoring Report) is an editorially independent, authoritative and evidence-based annual report published by UNESCO. Its mandate is to monitor progress towards the education targets in the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework.
  • University of London Press - A collection of open access titles in the arts and humanities, including classical studies, Latin American studies, literary criticism, and modern and medieval history.
  • University of Virginia Press: Rotunda - The Founders Early Access collection offers free full text to unpublished documents from the founders of the United States. These documents may change as further editorial work is undertaken, and once a document is published, it is removed from this site.
  • UVa Text Collection - A collection of digital documents central to teaching and research in the Humanities provided by the University of Virginia (formerly Etext Center). Some documents may only be available to University of Virginia users
  • Victorian Prose Archive - A collection of texts of scholarly interest by eight Victorian authors, including Matthew Arnold and Oscar Wilde.
  • Women's Voice and Leadership ALIADAS - A feminist production of knowledge comprising books, texts, articles, booklets and manifestos from Mozambique organisation Women's Voice and Leadership ALIADAS. A Portuguese language resource, but includes some English language works.
  • World of Spirituality (Світ духовності) - A collection of Ukrainian language prose and poetry on the topic of spirituality from author Sergey Mikolin.

The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.

  • Botanicus – A freely accessible portal to historic botanical literature from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library. Currently includes over 1000 titles (books and journals) with an RSS feed available for recent additions. Images are free for non-commercial use.
  • FreeBooks4Doctors – This site provides access to 360 free medical books.
  • InTech — A multidisciplinary Open Access publisher of books and journals covering the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine with over 2000 ebooks available to date.
  • MSRI Books – A series of Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Pulications from Cambridge University Press. The full text of new books is available a few months after publication.
  • National Academies Press – Over 4000 titles from the US National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council are available to download. The free pdfs are available exclusively from the NAP site and remain subject to copyright laws.
  • NCBI Bookshelf – National Center for Biotechnology Information’s Bookshelf site provides free access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.
  • Open Book Project - A computer science textbook and series on electricity and electronics are available, as well as tutorials and courses.
  • O'Reilly Open Books Project - A collection of free ebooks in computer science.

The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.

  • American Memory - This historical collection includes 1,500 nineteenth century American ebooks in several subject areas.
  • Arabic Collections Online - Arabic Collections Online (ACO) is a publicly available digital library of public domain Arabic language content drawn from rich Arabic collections of distinguished research libraries.
  • Bookboon - Over 500 downloadable textbooks, mainly in the areas of Business/Economics, Engineering, Natural Sciences and IT, are available from this publisher of free ebooks.
  • Bookserver (Internet Archive) – A project of the Internet Archive. Access ebooks via the search box. Includes out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg among other collections.
  • British Library “Turning the pages” – Facsimiles of a selection of books from the British Library’s collection are available, with software that can turn virtual pages. Alternative static versions are also available.
  • Chicago University Press free monthly ebook - A different ebook is available free each month from Chicago University Press.
  • Cornell University Library Digital Collections - An array of collections digitised and curated by Cornell University Library.
  • Digital Book Index – This index provides links to more than 165,000 ebooks covering a variety of subjects. Over 140,000 of these are free. The index can be searched and browsed.
  • Digital Library of India – Contains ebooks, ejournals and digitised manuscripts, predominantly in Indian languages.
  • DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books - Contains over 16,000 open access academic peer-reviewed books from over 300 publishers, including university presses.
  • E-Books Directory – A growing list of freely downloadable ebooks, documents and lecture notes. It is possible to search, browse by subject and see recently added or most popular titles.
  • Global Text Project - A collection of undergraduate e-textbooks available under a creative commons licence in business, computing, education, health, science and social science.
  • Google Books –Out-of-copyright books can be viewed online, and those in the public domain can be downloaded and saved.
  • HathiTrust — A collaborative repository from US research libraries, containing over 10 million digitised volumes. Not all are freely accessible, however over 2.5 million public domain digitised works can be downloaded.
  • Internet Archive Text Archive - Contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books.
  • MobileRead – As well as an online e-publishing forum, the ebooks tab provides access to free ebooks that can be downloaded to ebook readers.
  • Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum Digitale Bibliothek — Important rare books resource based mainly on the collections of the Bavarian State Library.
  • OAPEN Library (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) - A multidisciplinary Open Access library comprising of thousands of titles from European publishers freely available as PDF files, including titles in several languages. Includes 30 titles from UK publishers under the OAPEN-UK JISC ebooks project.
  • Ohio State University Press - Offers open access to a range of scholarly texts, particularly in literature and history.
  • Online Books Page – A regularly updated listing of over 1 million ebooks that are freely readable over the internet, maintained by the University of Pennsylvania Library.
  • Open Access Textbooks - The Resources tab contains links to websites that provide open access textbooks.
  • Open Library – A project of the Internet Archive, provides records for 20 million books, and access to 1.7 million scanned books. The search can be limited to ebooks only.
  • Open Textbook Library - These books can be downloaded for no cost, or printed at low cost. All textbooks are either used at multiple higher education institutions; or affiliated with an institution, scholarly society, or professional organization.
  • Oxfam: Policy & Practice - Access to 5000 publications including policy papers, research reports, technical briefs, case studies, books and journal articles.
  • Presses de l’Université du Québec - Access to French language works across multiple disciplines from les Presses de l’Université du Québec .
  • Project Gutenberg — A fully searchable collection of over 59,000 multi-language eBooks. Many classic titles and other formats such as audio books. It has a fully searchable online catalogue.
  • Questia - Over 5,000 classic and rare books available to read online for free.
  • River Publishers - Peer-reviewed, open access research monographs with an emphasis on STEM subjects (although other disciplines are covered).
  • Rudolph P.T. Muteswa ebooks — A multidisciplinary selection of works on leadership, human resources management, board of director development, public relations, effective communications in organizations and global tourism destinations by author Rudolph P.T. Muteswa.
  • UCL Press - Established as the UK’s first fully open access university press in 2015, UCL Press publishes both traditional peer-reviewed scholarly works and innovative research outputs.
  • Ulibros – Libros académicos y universitarios de Iberoamérica- A selection of multidisciplinary Open Access titles from Latin America.
  • University of Adelaide Press — An open access book publisher, the University of Adelaide Press operated between 2009-2018. While the Press is no longer active, its past publications remain available online. Many of the University Press books are available for free download, and some have an additional print version available for purchase.
  • University of California Press — Over 700 titles from UCP’s Scholarship Editions are available to the public. These include books on art, science, history, music, religion and fiction.
  • University of Genova Press - A multidisciplinary Open Access collection from University of Genova Press.
  • Wellcome Trust —Wellcome Trust–Funded Monographs and Book Chapters. The Wellcome Trust funds research in science and the medical humanities, and the research behind the monographs and book chapters in this collection was funded wholly or in part by the Trust.
  • White Rose University Press —A small open access digital publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals and books, publishing across a wide range of academic disciplines. Run jointly by the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York.
  • Wikibooks - Multidisciplinary open-content textbooks, which can be edited by anyone. Many books are incomplete, however featured books are those that have been considered by the community to represent the best quality wikibooks.
  • Wikisource - Multidisciplinary open-content ebook library, which can be edited by anyone. These texts are available in many languages, and in translation, as well as in comic, film and audiobook form.

Free individual titles

The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.

The following links are to external websites and open in a new tab/window.


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Looking for an open-access ebook or ebook chapter by a Cambridge academic? A growing number of open access books or book chapters are available in Apollo. Apollo is the online repository of the University of Cambridge's research output.

Open Access Directory: list of publishers

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List of publishers of OA books maintained by the OA community. Regularly updated.

Further ebooks information for Cambridge librarians can be found on the Cambridge Libraries Intranet.

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