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Decolonisation LibGuide: For those setting student reading lists

If you are a lecturer or supervisor interested in decolonising reading lists, you might find this article useful: How diverse is your reading list? Exploring issues of representation and decolonisation in the UK (Schucan Bird, K., Pitman, L. (Higher education, 2020, Vol.79 (5), p. 903-920))

Oxford University library staff have put together a list of “subject-specific inclusive reading lists available on the web”.  Its contents look at inclusivity more broadly, but many of the entries are decolonisation-specific.

For e-resources such as databases or journal backfiles, the UL’s Electronic Collections Management department has set up a list called Amplifying voices : resources focusing on global majority and/or marginalised perspectives and narratives.

Do also talk to your Faculty/Departmental/College librarians about altering your own reading lists.

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