ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from 140 countries including BSI. It promotes the development of standardization to aid the international exchange of goods and services. ISO's work results in international agreements, which are published as international standards. An example is ISO 9000 – the family of standards for quality management. It can also be expressed as BS EN ISO 9000.
We do not subscribe to ISO or European CEN standards. However, the British Standards Institution (BSI) frequently adopt these standards as their own, with the result that the equivalent British Standard will be exactly the same as the ISO or CEN standard: in those cases, standards will have a standard number which begins BS ISO, BS EN or BS ISO EN . As a result, it is often worth searching for the standard number of an ISO or CEN standard on British Standards Online.
Some European standard organisations, such as the French AFNOR or German DIN standards, also adopt the same CEN standards as BSI: it is also worth searching for their standard numbers on British Standards Online.