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Theology and Religious Studies: Divinity Faculty Library

TRS Collections in Cambridge: Divinity Faculty Library

Description of Collection:

The Divinity Faculty Library covers a wide range of subjects including history, theology and scriptures of most major world faiths, as well as philosophy of religion, science and religion, sociology and anthropology. There is a particular strength in Biblical studies, Patristics and ecclesiastical history, reflecting the historical foundations of the collection.

What material is being bought?

The Library purchases books in all these subjects, led by the teaching and research priorities of the UTOs and the students. Relevant eresources and ebooks are also made available, where possible.


Any current member of the University of Cambridge may use the Divinity Library whenever the library is open. Following the rules, they can borrow, using their University Card. External researchers can use the Library for reference only, during the vacation periods (not during term time).

Please check for term dates, to avoid coming during these times.

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